Thank you for coming to my 70'h 2/18 latest birthday!
More thank you for getting together with us DeVry Guys!
If I messed up anything here, please send e-mail to me at
I might have too many pictures and might have messed up a bit, but I am now a cloudy guy.
I am not a superstar with websites, and I just wanted to post pictures and say "thank you again."
Please forgive me for the order of the pictures; no intent with the order; I did Deep Fry (DeVry) guys first!!!
Steve Jacks provided these "OLD Let's Dance songs" from last year's DeVry Reunion.
What a great picture (yea, right!) but thank you all for coming and / or witching me a happy birthday!
Jim Tockstein, Joe Urban, and Kwing Lee (GREAT DeVry Guys!)
Joe Urban and Kwing Lee... a different look at (GREAT DeVry Guys!)
Jim Tockstein... a different look at a singular (GREAT DeVry Guy!)
Jim Tockstein... (with a goofy old fart with great front teeth!)
Brian and Debbie Wawrzyniak... (Great friend, Great DeVry Guy, Wonderful Debbie; Weird Last Name (waw, waw!)
Both brilliant in so many things, and both are great despite that name!
Steve and his beautiful wife Rose Jacks... (Great friend, Great DeVry Guy, Wonderful Wife;
Why is he named Jacks?) But, despite that, I thank him for teaching at AU, and hiring 2 of my students!
And also, he wears the same type of shirts that I wear all through the summer... ???
Mike (or is it Michael?) Mason was the best man at our wedding in 1979, and Delores is beautiful!
Mike was (or still is?) a great bass player and brilliant with so many things!
He gave me Old Style Beer, that I used to use in the late '70's to stay sober (ish)...
Rob Saxon (one of the GREAT DeVry guys) is still one of the smartest guys on earth!
At least I got one shot of the DeVry hat that Brian Wawarzyniak gave me!
I am so sorry that I forgot to get pictures in the shower with DeVry guys like I used to.
I think that this picture is amazing (and I tried to wet you)...
Jim Tockstein, Joe Urban, Rob Saxon, Michael Mason, Art Liedtke, Brian Wawrzyniak, Ron Kulju, and (down below) Mike Edwards
I feel so good that I have worked with all of you guys that got together with me in my shower in 1979!
You came down from Chicago to fisit us to our rental place in Westmont, IL!
And you think about our best teacher ever, came to my house in 2010, you will understand why I love him (and my DeVry guys) so much!
On this picture, where I made all folks get into the shower again,
Art Liedtke, Jim Tockstein, Rob Saxon, Brian Wawrzyniak, Michael Mason,
Joe Urban (me, with a WWB beer), below, Tom Strom and Lou Molinar,
but most important, our best teacher on the right, Eugene Miller!
I probably would not have taught at AU unless I learned so much about teaching
and helping students unless I learned from Professor Miller!
Thank you for coming from my Neighbors and Friends!
We also have some of the best neighbors and friends on earth!
Paula and Mick, Life changes all the time. Thank you so much for all of your help and spirit!
Steve and Sue Koebel; great friends but 3 houses away, so you cannot hear me (most of the time!)
I do want to thank you for my sweet gift!
Jim and Sheri: Thank you so much for coming to our 70 party, and understanding how long we have been here.
Thank you again for coming!
Don't let anybody see that picture unless you want to get in trouble!
These are no longer neighbors, but friends!
Big John Hepp (I wish I was bigger), Thank you so much for coming to my birthday!
Your wife is still georgeous and you are still OK (:>)
We have so many "opportunities to excel" these days... hmmm...
Big Tom, Thank you so much for coming to my birthday with your wonderful wife!
Your wife is still georgeous and you are still too tall!
Dave, Thank you so much for coming to my birthday and providing Zoom for our out of town friends!
You have helped so many students with getting jobs out of AU!
Cindy, thank you so much for making my beautiful daughter get married to a wonderful husband!
Harold (&Cindy), thank you again for coming to my birthday party!
Many more thanks coming to my very loved wife, and very loverd daughter (Mindy) !!!
Thank you for coming to my birthday party; I got lucky with a great wife and great kids! Nancy, Eric, Mindy, and Stephany!.